About Us

One of the solutions that today's energy policymakers in the world use as an effective and efficient tool in energy management is the use of a large number of small-scale generators at the place of consumption or near it with the least amount of use of the transmission and distribution network. In our country, the Ministry of Energy and Tavanir Organization, as the main custodians of the electricity industry, have considered special support policies for the development of distributed generation generators for investors in this sector. In line with the progress and self-sufficiency of Islamic Iran in the field of energy, Dasht Khavaran Energy Efficiency Company has started the design and operation of small-scale power plants since 2008 in Tos Industrial Town, located in Mashhad.

Company History

Dasht Khavaran Energy Efficiency Company, with the benefit of academic and experienced management, and experienced and expert personnel, based on scientific knowledge and years of specialized experience in the simultaneous production of electricity and heat (Combined Heat and Power) Various types of CHP systems have been operated, including greenhouses, dryers, and water purification systems. Our main goal is to optimize energy consumption and reduce environmental pollution with simultaneous production processes.

Mission and visions

Reasons you can choose Dasht Khavaran Energy Efficiency Company: • Years of experience in designing and building all kinds of CHP systems with the most up-to-date methods • Manufacturing the required equipment and supplying spare parts in the shortest time and directly and without intermediaries from Europe • Extensive servicing regarding all types of repairs and operation of power generators, including gas turbines and reciprocating generators. • Complete familiarity with power plant construction processes and procedures related to project implementation according to Tavanir's instructions, standards and requirements

‌Company values

While paying attention to our goals in the horizon of 1420, we try to maintain the values ​​and ethical principles of the organization as follows.

Valuing honesty Honesty and trustworthiness
Strengthening creativity and valuing constructive suggestions to have a leading company
Social responsibility and accountability for internal and external needs of the organization
Satisfying stakeholders With an emphasis on customer orientation
All rights belong to DashtKhavaran Energy Productivity Co