With the aim of improving urban safety indicators, so far more than 4,000 power outages in 66 commercial complexes in Tehran's Grand Bazaar have been repaired and secured.


According to the public relations of the Greater Tehran Power Distribution Company, "Alireza Rezaei", the company's deputy director of operation and dispatching, said regarding the measures taken to secure the electricity branches of the Tehran Grand Bazaar: "Tehran Bazaar has an old texture and in some parts is historical." Such conditions, along with a significant number of power outages, negligence of landlords and tenants to standard wiring in the internal network and commercial units and the lack of cooperation of some

businesses, the security of the electricity network in this area has faced many challenges.

For this reason, in order to solve safety problems and non-standard condition of some branches and electrical panels in the market since 1397, in coordination with the municipality and the fire department, a working group of representatives of the municipality, fire department and Khayyam electricity district was formed and referred to houses and complexes. Unsafe business was taken to persuade the owners to standardize the branches and organize the electricity network.

He added: "Despite the problems mentioned, with the repeated efforts and follow-ups of the company's experts and the cooperation of the guild owners, so far more than 4,000 electricity branches in 66 commercial complexes of Tehran's Grand Bazaar have been secured and more than 1,200 branches They will be fully secured soon after the completion of the technical obligations and the organization of the internal network by the owners.

"Rezaei" considered the neglect of standard internal wiring, the use of high-consumption electrical equipment and the violation of contract power by some businesses as things that threaten the electricity network of the market, stating that all owners are expected to They should cooperate with the Greater Tehran Power Distribution Company in order to successfully implement the plan to secure the electricity branches in the Tehran bazaar. The various stages of work are stopped.

He added: "Greater Tehran Electricity Distribution Company is seriously pursuing the elimination of danger from the old electricity network of the Grand Bazaar on its agenda, but we also ask the esteemed merchants to cooperate in this regard."


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